Okay, here it comes…….. Omgomgomgomgomg!!! Squeeeeeee!

These are Time Squad figures: I have everyone. (Daleks/Davros not shown)

timesquadHere’s a better picture from cyberdrone.deviantart.com as my phone takes rubbish photos. Dr__Who_Time_Squad_Figures_by_CyberDroneNothing new has been released since 2010. But my long wait is finally over!!!

tsfigAnd I will tell you that no release has thrilled me as much as this since the release of the 5″ Ace figure! I love these little guys! And I have wanted more for a very very long time!

(Okay, a couple years!! But it feels like eons!)

So it looks like there will be Doctors #11 and 12, Clara, a green version of the Odd (formerly released), a purple Clockwork Droid and not sure, that Cyberman might be different.

Doesn’t matter because I want them all!!

*Insert Maniacal Laughter Here*

So now the wait begins………………………………..

New Figure!!

My newest action figure appears to be causing some stress and confusion among the ‘ranks’…



Come on Character Options!!!!!

gimme ace

Doctor Who Collection: Post 6

My Doctor Who Collection: Post 5

Is it too late for Jo Grant? Can the Doctor and the Brigadier save her now that she’s fallen prey to Omega and his Gel Guard slave?!

A “Little” Problem

I could write a long rant about how cheap  Character Options has become but I think this photo relates just how much I feel shafted by their discontinuing their 5″ range of Doctor Who figures for a smaller 3.75″ range:

small vinyl who

My Doctor Who Collection: Post 4

My Doctor Who Collection: Post 3.5

I had to share this! I just really like this single picture because it has a sort of depth to it.

A glance into the fantasy .....

My Doctor Who Collection: Post 3

My Doctor Who Collection: Post 2